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Message   Justin Farris    All   Intro   July 25, 2023
 8:21 AM *  

Hello all,

As Sean said I am local to him. Enjoying the nostolga of connecting to a BBS
I do miss hearing a modem negotiating a connection, somehow telnet is just not
quite the same. 

A bit about me. 

Jack of many trades master of few. 

Been playing arround with computers since '84. First computer was a Coleco
I have been working in some form of computer technical support since the mid

'94 I got my ham radio license KE4PCX as a Tech and upgraded to General just
the removal of the 13 wpm code requirment. 
'97 Earned a Private Pilots certificate 
2010 Earned my Airfram & Powerplant cert
I have done drafting work as well as a professional picture framer.

A bit of a weather nut. Active in the SKYWARN Program and a CoCoRsHS observer.

Glad to see we have not completly lost the fine art of BBS communications.

___ MultiMail/Mac v0.52

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: Micronet World HQ - (618:618/1)
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