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Message   August Abolins    Nick Andre   Mixtapes   July 24, 2023
 8:36 PM *  

Hello Nick!

** On Monday 24.07.23 - 10:53, you wrote to me:

 NA> On 23 Jul 23  21:33:00, August Abolins said the following to Sean Dennis:

 AA>> They've done a pretty good job including some bands that
 AA>> I was familiar with in the 70s, eg:  The Spotniks, Brewer
 AA>> & Shipley (One Toke Over the Line - my first 45rpm record
 AA>> while in public school!).

 NA> "Witchi-tai-to" was a very underrated B&S album track.

Well.. thanks to Spotify, I checked it out.  Excellent tune!

I would like some of the others more if they didn't emphasize  
the sliding steel guitar so much.

People Love Each Other would be great just with the regular  
acoustic guitars.

Rise Up (Easy Rider) is quite fine.

I didn't realize that they put out an album in 2014, Shanghai.   
It's pretty good:

Heart of Steel = +1

Make My Bed = +1 +1

Take More Money = hmmm.. pass.

Blue Island Moon = +1 +1

Night People = +1 +1

Dance With a Lady = hmmm.. so so.

Streets of America = a bit too upbeat and repetive (and hint of  
steel guitar).

Angel and Juanita = this needs to grow on me. a potential +1 +1

I Will Testify = a quirky east indian intro, but the rest of  
the song is quite fine.  +1

A Million Broken Hearts = nothing extraordinary, but quite ok.

Real Good Thing = a slow dance tune, but ok.

Hang On = ties into the title of the album. listenable.

 NA> I really don't like Spotify, often times it doesn't play
 NA> the version of the song I asked for; always giving me some
 NA> weird alternate take or live version.

Perhaps the algorithm gets better the more often you use it.  I  
don't really explore their suggestions algorithms very much.

The trick is to look at all the versions of a particular title.  
There ARE plenty of covers and karaoke versions out there.

 NA> Have always thought Sirius XM was farrrrrr better than any
 NA> Spotify or Pandora crapola. Real DJ's running things like
 NA> a real radio station, even the very rare speciality stuff
 NA> gets the posh treatment.

I like being my own DJ and exploring the material out there on  


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