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Message   Sean Dennis    Daryl Stout   Weathr   July 23, 2023
 2:45 AM *  

*** Answering a msg posted in area MIN_ADMIN (Micronet: Network Administration).

Hello Daryl,

Saturday July 22 2023 11:10, you wrote to me:

 DS>   The cold weather of winter makes the arthritis hurt more...but it
 DS> means no insects, no heat illness, and no tornadoes. Unfortunately, if
 DS> it is unstable enough, you can get convective (thunder) precipitation
 DS> (snow and ice) in the winter (a favorite of Jim Cantore <G>;).

Due to my blood being so thin due to medications, my normal temperature is near
100F instead of 98.6F.  Summer makes me miserable.  I also have hypohidrosis
which makes me sweat constantly, espeially in the humidity.  Thundersnow is
definitely a thing as it's happened here in Johnson City a few times in recent
memory.  Once it dumped a few feet of snow overnight.  Driving was fun that

Autumn is my favorite with warm days and cool nights.  I always sleep better in
the autumn and winter because it's cooler and darker in my bedroom.

This year has flown by...I hope the ret of the year goes a little slower so I
can enjoy it.

-- Sean

... The moon isn't waxing; it's dusting and vacumming.
--- GoldED/2 3.0.1
 * Origin: Micronet World HQ - (618:618/1)
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