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Message   Arelor    All   Invidious under fire   July 13, 2023
 1:55 PM *  

Hello, people!

It has come to my attention that the Invidious project has received a cease and
desist order from the Google crowd.

Invidious is a Free Open Source frontend for Youtube. It lets you have your own
"Youtube" hosted at home, which in turn proxies your queries to the real
Youtube. Its claim to fame is that it lets you watch any video in Youtube
without ads.

That's right, Invidious removes advertisement from the equation so you can
watch videos without crap popping up every now and then. You can try it out on
popular public instances (  )

The answer from the head devs has been to claim the cease and desist order
lacks any base - because the order claims Invidious is breaching the ToS of the
Youtube API, when Invidious does not use the API at all). He has also told
INvidious supporters that they "already know what to do", which presumibly is
to take the source code and distribute it everywhere just in case they crash
their repositories. They have announced they have no intention to yield.

Too bad esc escaped before reading this news :-)

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