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Message   Warpslide    Kurt Weiske   Re: Random thoughts   July 5, 2023
 12:22 PM *  

On 05 Jul 2023, Kurt Weiske said the following...

 KW> used to sell the Annoyatron - it was a tiny board the size
 KW> of a USB stick, with a piezo speaker, a button cell battery and a
 KW> magnet.
 KW> You'd put a battery in it, stick it someplace inconspicuous, and at a
 KW> random interval of a minute or so, it'd beep. And beep. Until the
 KW> battery ran out.

I have two of these.  The annoy-a-tron and also the eviltron.

The annoy-a-tron beeps at random intervals while the eviltron has 5 different
voices/sounds. One that whispers "hey, can you hear me?", another is a little
girl giggling, someone breathing & something scratching.

I used to hide these around the office in various cubicles.  I remember one lady
in accounting saying out loud several times "Did anyone else hear that?" or
saying "Yes, I can hear you!".  Good times... good times...


... I like to make my own Gatorade at home with freshly squeezed gators

--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
 * Origin: Northern Realms (618:500/23)
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