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Message   ogg    Kurt Weiske   Re: Random thoughts   July 1, 2023
 11:47 AM *  

 KW> My mother is in the market for hearing aids, but she doesn't think that
 KW> with tinnitus being her biggest complaint that amplification would help.
 KW> I'm hoping that modern tech will help you tune out certain frequencies,
 KW> like the Hear brand of earbuds a while ago.
My sister is in the same boat.  She spent the last 2-3 years
investigating/visiting doctors and audiologists and found that nothing was going
to work.  She tried many brands of "aids" with no luck.  I wish your mom the
best of luck!

Sysop, Altair IV BBS

... Error 3032 - Recursion error. See error 3032.

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 * Origin: Altair IV BBS (618:200/54)
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