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Message   Arelor    Nick Andre   Re: Sad news   June 26, 2023
 9:12 AM *  

  Re: Re: Sad news
  By: Nick Andre to Arelor on Fri Jun 23 2023 06:18 am

 > Things REALLY went off the rails with Facebook... the dominos then fell fast
 > with Twitter. Mainstream journalism took a nosedive. And I'm sure its just a
 > coincidence that gender fantasy nonsense began receiving all sorts of media
 > attention at the same time.

A theory I have hard is that the Internat made it easy for small groups of
isolated people to come together, which allowed very small minorities nobody
took seriously to band together and achieve some power.

See, if you have some fetish which involves having yourself and your wife dress
up with horse customes and having wild sex, chances are you are the only guy in
town with that idea. You go into the Internet and suddenly you find 20 other
people with the same tastes. 20 people can now create an opinion blog and a
forum and gather more people. Past certain point it turns out something so
minoritary that less than one person per town partakes with becomes an Internet
power and therefre a mediatic power.

--- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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