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Message   Mike Powell    NICK ANDRE   Re: Sad news   June 24, 2023
 9:13 AM *  

> Church lunch picnics, pot-luck cooking, all that... I miss those as a kid.

I get the impression from my regular church-going relatives that they don't
do those as much as they used to.  The church we attended when I was a kid
(same religous affiliation) seemed to do the pot-lucks many times a year
without special occassions attached.  IIRC, some of those were to raise
money for the church charitable groups, while I think others were free.

That church got bigger (a lot bigger) and they seemed to quit doing those
things.  The church my relatives attend today also grew a lot bigger over
time.  They only do those kind of things when someone (preacher, associate
preacher, youth preacher) is leaving or to kick off VBS.

As a kid, those were fun, probably because we got to eat a lot and didn't
have to make anything ourselves.  :)

 * SLMR 2.1a * Maybe I should cut the power before I-- ZZZAAPPOWWWWWW
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