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   Networked Database  General Micronet Network Chatter...   [1176 / 2000] RSS
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Message   Shawn Highfield    Sean Dennis   Catching up   June 24, 2023
 6:06 AM *  

-=> Sean Dennis wrote to All <=-

 SD> Please don't come at me hot and heavy about this nodelist change.  I
 SD> had an open discussion about it and received a handful of input on this
 SD> issue.  This discussion has been over a week or two so there was plenty
 SD> of time to discuss this amongst ourselves.

I made the change a few days ago.  My setup will process either .??? or a .ZIP
now.  Took me around a minute and a half, so obviously I'll mail you a bill for
my time.  <LOL!>

 SD> 90% of Micronet are network collectors and I have never seen a single
 SD> non-automated post from them.  As nodes of this network, I expect
 SD> everyone to keep up with recent happenings.

I've been quiet, but I do read every day.  I just haven't felt like talking.

 SD> I am also going to be splitting Canadian nodes soon into Net 400 and
 SD> handing over Net 500 to Sean Rima so Nick can step down fron being the
 SD> Net 500 hub.

Again once this happens won't take me long to make the change on my end.


... A cynic is a person searching for an honest man, with a stolen lantern.

--- Talisman v0.47-dev (Windows/x86)
 * Origin: Tiny's BBS II = (618:500/33)
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