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Message   Sean Dennis    All   Sad news   June 22, 2023
 3:55 PM *  

U.S. Coast Guard Confirms Deaths Of Missing Titan Sub Crew, Vessel Parts
Discovered Near Titanic

OAN's Sophia Flores
12:40 PM 
Thursday, June 22, 2023

The United States Coast Guard has now confirmed that the found debris was part
of the Titian, the missing submersible carrying five individuals. It was
announced that there was a "catastrophic implosion" of the vessel.

Coast Guard update on missing submersible : all 5 people have died. Parts of the
Titan sub have been found. @OANN

 --  Stella Escobedo (@StellaEscoTV) June 22, 2023

During a Thursday press conference, officials stated that a remotely operated
underwater vehicle (ROV) from the vessel Horizon Artic discovered the tail cone
of the submersible at the tail bow of the Titanic.

The Coast Guard stated that there is indication that the submersible imploded
1,600 feet from the Titanic's bow. They also stated that the debris found on the
ocean floor was consistent with a "catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber."

Five major pieces of debris of what remains of the Titan were found. The
nosecone was the largest piece discovered. One of the two debris fields that
were discovered contained the front-end bell of the pressure hole. This
indicated to officials that a catastrophic event had occurred. The second
smaller debris field that was found contained the aft end bell.

Officials will reportedly continue to investigate the site of the debris field.

OceanGate, the company responsible for creating and operating the missing
submersible, released a statement stating that they "grieve the loss of life."

The families of the lost passengers were notified of the news prior to the press

This is a breaking story, more updates are to come.

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: Micronet World HQ - (618:618/1)
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