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Message   Sean Dennis    Arelor   Re: Good news   May 28, 2023
 12:26 PM *  

-=> Arelor wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 Ar> Something I have always thought about modern military service is it has
 Ar> to be an eardrum breaker.

These days, hearing protection is provided.  When I was in 28 years ago,
hearing loss was just an accepted thing.

 Ar> Shooting a .38 without ear protection is already bad enough. I don't
 Ar> want to know what shooting one of the big NATO ammos in burst is like.
 Ar> Big artillery? Yucks.

It's over 160db inside a self-propelled howitzer when a round is fired.  If
you're using a towed howitzer, it's less being out in the open but it's
still extremely loud.

 Ar> And tbh it does not look to me like soldiers are gonna wear muzzles or
 Ar> ear plugs in the field. It has to suck big time.

They don't have time to fiddle with earplugs.

 Ar> Man my eardrums are hurting already just from thinking about it.

It's the tinnitus that's terrible.  My hearing loss is relatively minor but
voices and soft sounds sound mumbled to me.  My hearing aids help with that
and the tinnitus a little but my ears ring 24/7.  No cure.

But with all of that, I can manage to hear enough to function.

Here's the hearing aids the VA issues and they are actually very nice:

They even have a special page for vets:

I get excellent product support from the VA and that reminds me I need to
make an appointment at the hearing aid clinic in the audiology clinic at my
VA hospital.  They need a minor physical adjustment.

-- Sean

... Clean mind, clean body: take your pick.
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