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Message   Sean Dennis    esc   Re: Good news   May 28, 2023
 12:12 PM *  

-=> esc wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 es> Kudos to you for getting a rating! I know the VA is
 es> basically actively hostile toward those of us trying to get
 es> what we're owed, lol. Any pointers for navigating the
 es> system? I got out at the end of 2011 with cardiovascular
 es> issues caused by burn pits overseas, and I also got a 10%
 es> rating, but as I've gotten older a lot of things have
 es> started creeping up that are service related. I really
 es> don't know where to begin trying to figure this stuff out.

I strongly recommend finding your local veteran service officer (I think
nearly every county in the US has at least one) or contact your local DAV.

For your VSO:
or call your local county government.

For DAV:

With the PACT Act, since you were exposed to burn pits, you have more
options and benefits available to you.  My good friend and former co-worker
here is 51 and has Parkinson's and fibromyalgia from exposure to burn pits
during the first Gulf War from his service in the Navy.

Good luck and fight like hell.

-- Sean
... 911: government-sponsored Dial-A-Prayer.
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