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Message   Ricky DeLuco    Sean Dennis   Re: Good news   May 27, 2023
 8:09 PM *  

 SD> I received my official claim award letter today.  I'm rated at 10% for my
 SD> tinnitus which was automatic because of my field artillery MOS and rated
 SD> at 0% for my hearing loss.  So if my hearing gets worse, I can appeal
 SD> and possibly get an award.  I'm working on claims for my flat feet and
 SD> shin splints.  My VSO is encouraging me to nickle and dime my way up to
 SD> 50% so if I can go to VocRehab and get declared unemployable, that could
 SD> bump me up to 100% total permanent.


I was in the US Navy, and onboard an Air Craft Carrier. I was attached to an
F-14 Squadron and was a RIO, Back Seat of an F-14 Tomcat. I was inspecting my
Aircraft for an upcomming OPS Mission and was under the Port Wing. The AO's were
loading 250's on the pylon and I was right there looking at my flaps. The pylon
fell off the skid, the 250 BDU hit the deck and the pylon went flying and swiped
my left knee.  It broke my leg right in two and smashed my knee cap. Fast
Forward, My Flight Career ended and so did my Navy Time. After 8 months and
twice under the knife I was Medically Discharged. The VA only gave me 10%, back
in 1986. I have gone 3 rounds with the VA over the years and as I get older the
more I have issues. So, least to say I have a very serious distain for the VA. I
take the monthly bird feed I get and give it to charity. I have done that for
the past 20+ years.  

I walk with a Cain, bairly can move my knee and just two years ago, had a total
knee replacement done, BY A CIVILIAN DOCTOR and privite health insurance. 

                   N4TDX BBS - Telnet:
         FSXnet: 21:1/136 * Fidonet 1:135/383 * Micronet 618:250/35  
                             Titusville, FL.

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