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Message   digimaus    Rick Smith   Re: Weekend   May 15, 2023
 1:30 PM *  

-=> Rick Smith wrote to digimaus <=-

 RS> ...<VBG> Welcome to Portland!

I lived in Scappoose in the late 80s through the early 90s.  I (used) to
know Stumptown quite well.  Used to take a shortcut therough the hills in
Scappoose, land on top of Cornelius Pass, then take 185th into Beaverton and
parts south. <G>  Attended PCC Rock Creek for one semester.

 RS> We had a 90+ weekend here which is mostly manageable as we do not have
 RS> the humidity that you have over there!

You aren't lucky enough to have a tropical air mass sit over you for half of
the year though living in the Atlanta area was much worse for me.  My main
issue now is my poor health.  If I can get it to turn around a bit, I can
handle the humidity.

My "new" pickup doesn't have A/C (it came from the factory without A/C) so
it's going to be rough during the summer.  The good thing is that the engine
that is in it was from a S10 that had air so I have the compressor bracket
and pully on the engine already.  Maybe I can add on A/C eventually.

- Sean

... Money isn't everything but it sure keeps the kids in touch!
--- MMail/FreeBSD
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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