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Message   Rob Mccart    SEAN DENNIS   indie bookseller's day   May 4, 2023
 12:54 AM *  

SD>Amazon is quite high most of the times with their pricing but between them,
  >Walmart, and other large chains strangling mom-and-pop shops out of existance
  >out here in the sticks, Amazon is unfortunately the only choice for things.
  >use eBay when I can but sometimes it's a gamble with them.

Yes, a few years ago if anyone asked me if I'd be an Amazon customer I'd have
told them they were crazy but, also living out in the sticks - the nearest
town is 20 miles away and has a population of 7000 - you find yourself
eventually not being able to buy a lot of things without driving 80 miles
unless you do shop online. Price wise, I would more say, let the buyer
beware. Certain (non-Chinese) things are at a good price and others are
higher than in most stores. Shipping costs can be ridiculous, buy a $5 item
and they want $12 to ship it at times, but if you buy things Amazon carries
you can wait until you have $35+ worth to get free shipping unless you buy
so much that paying for Prime is worthwhile (it never was for me).

Like most things, there is good and bad about it. If it was all bad it
would have gone out of business long ago. Lately though I've been buying
quite a bit through Walmart online. If they have what you want at a good
price you have the advantage of 'often' getting free delivery to your
local store, or to your home if over $35 I believe, and the further
advantage of having a local store you can return it to at no cost if you
don't like it or there's any problem with it. Returning things to Amazon
is usually so much hassle that you end up eating the loss rather than
return it. That said, if you have any problem with a lot of Amazon things
the supplier will often replace or refund without you having to return
the item to them, much dependent on the cost and type of item of course.
 * SLMR Rob  * Cole's Law: Thinly sliced cabbage
 * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
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