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Message   Havok    Mike Powell   Switching shifts   April 26, 2023
 1:46 PM *  

  Re: Switching shifts
  By: Mike Powell to HAVOK on Tue Apr 25 2023 03:16 pm

 MP> That makes sense. People who don't know how to drive on show are
 MP> less-likely to drive in it after dark if they don't have to.

 I agree Mike

 It made my life much more easy living up north. I think of the time I would
 take off in the morning scrape ice off the windows while the car was warming
 up and if a heavy snow broom off the snow on the hood and truck, yuck their
 would go 20 to 45 mins.

 Now on afternoon nights take off for work the car due to the sun is gone and 
 by then the roads are mostly clear.
 Life was good!

 Laughing now when I move back I'll have 40 acres too much snow around lake 
Linden, Mi who cares stay on the computer and talk to you folks.

 Right or wrong it's my way of thinking!

--- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
 * Origin: Anarchy BBS - The Villages,FL (618:250/21)
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