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Message   August Abolins    Arelor   Book: Devil's Coin - Aug 8, 2023   April 22, 2023
 6:56 PM *  

Hello Arelor!

** On Saturday 22.04.23 - 08:55, Arelor wrote to August Abolins:

 A>   Re: Book: Devil's Coin - Aug 8, 2023
 A>   By: August Abolins to All on Tue Apr 18 2023 10:02 pm

 A> Quick question: what was the Onecoin scam about? What was the bait?

The whole thing was based on lies. The "promise" was high  
gains.  Ultimately it was just another Ponzi pyramind scheme.  
You convince friends to buy in and you get the rewards. Those  
initial "gains" were simply the monies from new buyers.

The lies were wrapped in the modern and false facade that it  
was a new crytocurrency.  But there never was any blockchain  
behind it.

Ultimately, the process collapsed when there wasn't enough to  
pay those gains.  That triggered questions to OneCoin and  
attracted attention to the Securities Commission. That's when  
the founder and her protoges fled.

There is some info that the founder may have by now been killed  
off by the mob she had ties with.  There is suspicion that her  
body may have been dismembered and tossed into the sea -  
literally to the sharks.


--- OpenXP 5.0.57
 * Origin: The LOOK of MicroNET (618:250/1.9)
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