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Message   Ray Quinn    Kurt Weiske   What a day   March 21, 2022
 8:53 AM *  

   Hello Kurt!

19 Mar 22 15:18, you wrote to me:

 KW> -=> Ray Quinn wrote to Mike Powell <=-

 RQ>> This can happen quite often here in Visalia, California. The
 RQ>> elevation in Visalia is about 300 ft above sea level, while Mount
 RQ>> Whitney, just under 60 miles (95 km) east-northeast from here is
 RQ>> at 14,505 feet. We can have 60F and rain and just 30 miles east
 RQ>> have snow. Of course I am talking about the Sierra Nevada.

 KW> I made it to the top of Mt. Whitney in 1996. Great cell phone
 KW> coverage!  :)

I bet. Would make a great repeater site, too. But it doesn't "look" into the
valley here. Too many other tall mountains in the way. Would work great for the
Owens Valley and out into the Mojave Desert to the east. I would imagine
maintenance would be a challenge, too, unless you have access to a helicopter.
Of course with the thin air, well, you know.

73 de W6RAY Ray Quinn
Visalia, CA DM06ii

--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
 * Origin: Ham Radio operators do it with frequency! (618:300/18.23)
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