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Message   Gamgee    digimaus   Re: Minor issues   April 20, 2023
 8:50 AM *  

-=> digimaus wrote to All <=-

 di> Last Tuesday afternoon during my weekly Walmart run, my
 di> Pathfinder caught on fire while was driving due to an unknown
 di> electrical problem involving my transmission.  I parked in a safe
 di> spot, ran like hell, and called 911.  Five minutes later, Pathy
 di> was destroyed.  I've since signed the title over to the towing
 di> company to get crushed.  Learned my lesson about not having
 di> comprehensive coverage on my vehicles.

 di> I got out unscathed and the fire was stopped before it could get
 di> to my mobility scooter on its lift.  The scooter and lift are
 di> fine and were recovered.

 di> If you want to see some pictures of a car roasting and the
 di> aftermath;

 di> I did buy a 1991 Chevy S10 from a friend on a whim.  Glad I did.
 di> It needs some minor work (I hope it's minor) and I'll be on the
 di> road again.  I added comprehensive coverage and rental car
 di> coverage to my insurance policy today...

Wow.  If it weren't for bad luck, you'd have no luck at all.

Glad you're OK!

... "He who is without oil, shall cast the first rod."-Compressions 8.7:1.
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