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Message   Andrew Leary    August Abolins   Minor issues   April 20, 2023
 1:27 AM *  

Hello August!

19 Apr 23 22:12, you wrote to digimaus:

 d>> ..Learned my lesson about not having comprehensive coverage
 d>> on my vehicles.

 AA> Oh.. so THAT's what comprehensive is for. I was thinking of
 AA> taking it OFF my 16 yr old Rav4.

Comprehensive covers losses from causes other than collisions, such as theft, 
fire, flood, weather, etc.  Normally the premium for this coverage is fairly 

 AA> The pics are amazing.  It seems that the fire had a long time
 AA> to burn. The external "lift" for your scooter looks
 AA> interesting.

In areas that are served by volunteer fire departments, it can take a few 
minutes to get an engine staffed and responding to the call.


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