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Message   digimaus    All   Been quiet...   April 9, 2023
 8:48 PM *  

Hi everyone,

I apologize for my lack of participation in Micronet but I've been both busy
and sick:

- It is getting increasingly difficult for me to type.  I really need to buy
  a Model M keyboard but new they are $100+ a piece so that is out of the
  budget right now.

- Since last October, I have had an illness like IBS but they believe I am
  having some sort of atuoimmune issue owing to my diabetes.  Going in soon
  for a 2-for-1 special (colonoscopy/endoscopy) to see if they can find
  anything unusual.  Unfortunately, there is a distinct possibility I may
  have cancer in me somewhere.

- I am trying to get service-connected disbility right now and that has
  spawned countless trips to various doctors.  All of that driving wears me

- I bought a 1991 Chevy S10 pickup with a rebuilt and souped up V6 engine
  from a 1988 Chevy S10...ther story of how I got it is interesting and I
  will explain it in another message.

Due to all of this and being constantly tired, I just have been quiet but I
am going to try the "carnivore diet" (not really a diet but a lifestyle
change) to see if it helps me.

I'm still working on my doors but with the typing issues, it's been very

Glad to see Micronet active though!  Welcome to all the new members!

-- Sean
... My ex-wives are living proof of how stupid I can be.
--- MMail/FreeBSD
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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