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Message   Dean Brooks    SAM PENWRIGHT   Comment 12/20/2021 9:38 AM   April 4, 2022
 3:49 PM *  

Hey!  Wow I missed this one too.  WTH

V8.0 huh?  You are brave! lol  I keep forgetting that is out.  I'm still
stuck on v6.  No sense upgrading anymore as I'm not making money off of
it. lol

As for PX well good luck.  It took me forever to get that stuff working.
Internet Rex is what I needed to communicate.  Pain in the butt too but
it works.  I have no idea how, but it does.  I had to have help.  So if
you are running a new PX then I really have zero clue!  I hope they
finally fixed it so no external programs are needed.  Although
Synchronet was super easy to setup and get running but I moved
everything back over to WinServer so I don't even remember how to set it
up there either. lol  I'm just a mess.  If anything should ever happen
to these setups I am so screwed.  Will probably just hang it up and move


-> -> Hey Stranger!

-> -> How are things going for you?  Merry Christmas to you also!  Hope all is
-> -> well!

-> -> Dean
-> Hey Dean, Doing good. I finally retire for the third time and last, So
-> I'm bored but trying to stay busy with bbs's I have 4 going now and
-> maybe 5 if I can remember how to setup Winsrv I'm running 8.0 with the
-> newer PX the bbs isnt hard to figure out its px thats giving me issue's
-> cant get the darn thing to poll. but I'll keep trying i'll get it one of
-> these days. How about you? you still running the store?
-> Well have a good one!
-> Sam
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
 * Origin: Hidden Paradise BBS - Batavia, NY - (618:100/22)
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