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Message   Arelor    Sean Dennis   A cowboy, his horse, and his dog   March 15, 2023
 6:29 PM *  

  Re: A cowboy, his horse, and his dog
  By: Sean Dennis to All on Tue Mar 14 2023 06:08 pm

 > A cowboy, his horse and his dog were captured by hostile Indians.
 > This wasn't really a problem for the animals as the Indians can always use
 > them, but the cowboy is informed that he will be burned at the stake the
 > following sunrise.  That evening, the Indian chief tells the cowboy that
 > he can one last wish, within reason, of course, before meeting his fate
 > the following morning.  The cowboy replies that all he really wants is to
 > see his faithful dog, Rex, one last time.  When the dog is brought by the
 > Indians, the cowboy hugs his companion and whispers something into his ear.
 > At once the dog runs off over the hill.  Amazingly enough, a few hours later
 > he returns, accompanied by some two dozen prostitutes from a nearby town.
 > Needless to say, the braves are delighted and as a reward offer the cowboy
 > his dog to keep him company through the rest of the night.  When the dog is
 > brought forth the cowboy again runs his hand over Rex's head and then bends
 > down to whisper into his ear: "This may be my last chance, Rex, so get it
 > right this time -- go into town and get the posse!"
 > -- Sean
 > --- GoldED+/BSD 1.1.5-b20220504
 >  * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)

If I could upvote this, I would. SO much lol. The joke even has a horse in it.
What is there not to like?

--- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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