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Message   Sean Dennis    All   Bowling   March 14, 2023
 6:15 PM *  

        A guy finishes his 9 to 5, but, instead of going straight home, stops
in at a local bar for a drink.  He gets his beer, turns around to sit down,
and finds himself face to face with a ravishing blonde.  The two strike up a
conversation, and really hit it off.  After a couple drinks they leave the bar
go back to her pad, to peruse her etchings.  Which doesn't take long -- by
seven they were happily engaged in intimate scratching.
        'Round about midnight the guy rolled over in bed and spotted the 
"Midnight!  Already!  I gotta get home!  Honey, you have any baby powder?"
He jumps out of bed and starts pulling his pants on, trying to find his shoes.
        "Baby powder?" she asks.  But she comes back from the bathroom and
hands him the powder.  He frantically shakes it all over his hands, kisses her
goodbye, and runs out the front door.
        He gets home, and sure enough, there's his wife, waiting in the
        "Okay," she mutters, "let's have it."
        "Well," he says sheepishly, looking down at his feet.  "Okay.  I went
to a bar after work and met a gorgeous blonde and we really hit it off.  We
had a few drinks and went back to her place, and well, see..."
        "Oh yeah?" she says, "let me see your hands...  Don't you lie to me!
You've been bowling again!"

-- Sean

--- GoldED+/BSD 1.1.5-b20220504
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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