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Message   Gamgee    Arelor   Re: I need to drop weight and..   March 1, 2023
 10:01 PM *  

-=> Arelor wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

 > Some nutritionists claim that since we're always warm, relatively, that
 > bodies are in a continual state of "saving up for winter" and that it's
 > partly to blame for fat gain. A few have recommended either cold water
 > immersion or alternating hot and cold water in the shower as a way of
 > "waking up" your metabolism in the morning.

 Ar> Or, you know, wake early to defrost the chicken's water supply,
 Ar> clean the barn, de-ice the locks, serve breakfast to every pet
 Ar> and then run back home for a hot cup of choco-milk because it is
 Ar> fucking february outside.

High 70's / low 80's (degrees F) here this week.

I grew up in extreme cold, and don't miss it a bit.

... I'll be unstoppable when I get started.
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