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Message   digimaus    Jas Hud   Re: Good news   February 27, 2023
 10:32 PM *  

JH> did they find a better medication mix for you?

Yes.  They took me off of two of my blood pressure meds and put me on
isosorbide (related to nitroglycerin and is long-acting).  Suddenly my blood
sugar readings tanked.  I am on a statin and fenofibrate (lowers
triglycerides).  For diabetes, I am on two types of insulin and Jardiance
(not for blood sugar but it has a lot of other good side effects such as
protecting my kidneys and liver).

I have felt great this past week and have been trying to go to bed by 11
PM.  A side effect of that is I am waking with the sun--something I share in
common with my mom--and I enjoy getting up, making breakfast, and having
time to shower, make breakfast, and relax before a busy day of errands and
doctors' appointments.  For the month of March, I have a doctors'
appointment (or more) every single Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Plus on
the 28, I get to have a endoscopy/colonoscopy special along with a throat
widening (helps me eat).  Yay!

So I'm happy about feeling better.

-- digi

--- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.3 (FreeBSD-amd64)
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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