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Message   August Abolins    Jas Hud   I need to drop weight and..   February 27, 2023
 2:35 PM *  

Hello Jas Hud!

 JH> I have no problem losing weight. it's not a battle for me.
 JH> it just depends on what i eat.

 ..and how much!  ;)

On my journey to reach my target weight, the BMI was a good  
start. From that I determined how many calories per day max I  
should have. For my weight loss number, I determined that I  
should not exceed 1800 calories/day (that worked out to about  
100 calories per waking hour).  When I stuck to that,  
everything worked out.  It took a while (2 yrs) because I got  
lazy a few times and ate too much + included some processed  
foods. But I fell back on track because the results of the  
better eating plan provided other health benefits.

 JH> best way to lose weight is to eat right and have exercise.

Both things are part of the success.

 JH> anybody that can't lose weight is a liar or too far gone.
 JH> and even those people can drop weight.

Right. The whole notion that fatness "is in the genes", seems  

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 * Origin: The LOOK of MicroNET (618:250/1.9)
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