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Message   August Abolins    All   When everything is digital.. this happens..   February 24, 2023
 7:14 PM *  

Another interesting video/vinyl/cassettes (Canadian) survivor  

"When everything is digital, why we long for media we can hold  
in our hands"

"People are rediscovering the value of DVDs, records after  
years of digitizing everything.

by Natalie Stechyson � CBC News � Posted: Feb 23, 2023 4:00 AM

"It's a feeling increasingly shared by consumers and collectors  
across Canada. After years of digitizing everything, people are  
rediscovering the value of physical assets. DVDs, vinyl records  
and film cameras are all experiencing a renaissance. Even  
cassette tapes are making a comeback.

"Last year, for the second year in a row, vinyl albums outsold  
CD albums in the in the U.S., Billboard reported in January  
(and the manufacturers are struggling to keep pace with the  
growth). In terms of photography, Kodak said in 2022 that it  
"can't keep up" with the demand for film.

"a lot of younger female customers buying records. Now, it's  
common to have 15-year olds coming in to buy everything from  
old re-issues to new releases"

[FULL article: 
dvd-vinyl-1.6755293 ]


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