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Message   Jas Hud    Arelor   Re: HVAC   March 21, 2022
 6:40 AM *  

  To: Arelor
  Re: Re: HVAC
  By: Arelor to Mark Hofmann on Sun Mar 20 2022 10:39 am

 > This is the reason why I think the only reasonable option for moving forward
 > is being self-employed or working for third parties under a Merchantile
 > Agreement. You are your own boss and the only bullshit you have to take is
 > from customers, but customers pay for the privilege so who cares. The only
 > problem with the plan is that pulling it off is far from trivial.

well we all can't be our own bosses. we have to work for someone else and also
it helps with insurance.

right now i have a job with zero bullshit and good insurance and okay pay.
i'm not taking my work home with me or putting up with bullshit or getting
blamed for shit i didn't do like my old job.

infact, after i quit they contacted me asking me about my last day and where i
dropped off stuff for that shipment. i knew that was going to happen.  there is
literally ONE place for me to drop things off and that is where i always put it.
 like always, some dipshit moved it.

regarding part time jobs, i always recommend cleaning.  it's easy and about half
the time you arent working if you are good at it.   i would do that as a pt job
and lock myself in an office.   at one place we found a nice conference room and
lower the temp real cold [it was a hot summer] and i'd put a usb stick in with
movies and tv shows and we'd hide in there and watch them.
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 * Origin: Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 (618:300/12)
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