VTIC History ============ 1.11.201121 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed issue removing file caused by case. 1.10.160919 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed CRC32 issue. 1.10.160516 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed CRC32 issue. 1.10.160505 ---------------------------------------- ! Changed how CRC32 were compared. 1.9.131201 ---------------------------------------- + Added multiple instance support. 1.8.130308 ---------------------------------------- + Additional logging. ! Fix for VTIC not removing duplicate entries. ! Database error will log which db it expected to find. 0000076: [Feature Request] support for the replace feature (scotty) 1.7.100604 ---------------------------------------- + New icons, multiple resolutions. 1.7.090620 ---------------------------------------- + Improved configuration loading. 1.7.090425 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed possible error with the CRC check. 1.6.080925 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed processing to check the configured AKA's as well as the main node number. ! Fixed timestamps to be UTC. 1.5.071215 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed system message number issue. 1.4.071204 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed message position issue. 1.3.070928 ---------------------------------------- ! Forgot to enable the console. 1.3.070924 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed an issue with the command line. 1.2.070312 ---------------------------------------- + Added a way to restrict incoming TICS from nodes (in VADV32). + Added parameters to be able to manually hatch a file to any configured node. + UnixTime is now a 64-bit data type. 1.1.070301 ---------------------------------------- + Added parameter /SAVE to specify a directory to copy the TIC and file to if an error occurred while processing it. 1.0.070219 ---------------------------------------- First major release. Legend ---------------------------------------- + This feature has been added or changed. - This feature was removed. ! Bugfix from a previous version. () A name in parenthesis means that person suggested that feature.