VCleanDB History ================ 2.5.160505 ---------------------------------------- + Added compacting of IPCONN.DAT. + Recompiled with latest libraries. 2.4.131201 ---------------------------------------- + Added multiple instance support. 2.3.121214 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed sub join/rejoin caused by VQWK. 2.2.100604 ---------------------------------------- + New icons, multiple resolutions. 2.2.100101 ---------------------------------------- + Message pointers are set to last message in the database. ! Fixed error caused by message position set to zero. 2.1.090620 ---------------------------------------- + DAYSTATS.DAT is created and used for daily stats. It will generate the log file each day. + DAYSTATS.LOG is backed up. 2.0.080824 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed bug causing the email databases from growing in size. 2.0.080823 ---------------------------------------- + Converted to a console application. + Added /COMPACT option to rebuild the BIN files to remove any orphaned data. + Added /USERMAINT option to scan user database for cleaning. + Changed /SUPERCLEAN to run /USERMAINT and /COMPACT. ! Fixed major corruption error with the SNTEMAIL and ONELINE databases. This only occurred if user database cleaning had to be done. 1.8.080303 ---------------------------------------- + Added option to reset each user's time counter to zero. 0000016: [Bug Report] SNTEMAIL.BIN Corruption (swinn) (swinn) 1.7.071204 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed an issue with invalid message positions. 1.6.071016 ---------------------------------------- + Increased cleaning speed. + Added some protection when deleting attached files. ! Attached files are properly deleted. 1.5.070924 ---------------------------------------- + The USERFILE.DAT will be backed up before scrubbing users. 1.4.070611 ---------------------------------------- + Changed code to help prevent errors. 1.3.070216 ---------------------------------------- + Integer optimizations. + /DELFILES will now check the database for other records using the file before removing it. ! Fixed an issue with the /DELFILES parameter. It was always on even if it was not specified. 1.2.070203 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed an issue if a database had too many records. A hard limit has been set at 32000 records to keep the BBS from issuing an overflow error. ! Fixes to internal functions to avoid overflow errors. 1.1.061118 ---------------------------------------- + Added feature so when a user account is deleted an optional batch file named ACTCLNUP.BAT will be executed to do any custom cleanup. 1.0.060904 ---------------------------------------- ! Minor maintenance issues. 1.0.060807 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed an issue when creating userfile.idx. 1.0.060804 ---------------------------------------- + Added superclean functionality. The superclean parameter will perform a user database cleaning which will look for deleted accounts and do any maintenance needed to those accounts (delete address books, voting booth selections, emails, oneliners, etc). + Added /DELFILES parameter. If enabled, any files that are attached to deleted messages will also be deleted. + Added /? parameter to show available options. 1.0.060723 ---------------------------------------- ! Fixed an issue with maintaining the fdx directory. 1.0.060711 ---------------------------------------- First major release. Legend ---------------------------------------- + This feature has been added or changed. - This feature was removed. ! Bugfix from a previous version. () A name in parenthesis means that person suggested that feature.